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photo of BLOCK_Quarterly_Review_2023_Q4 Block & Company Quarterly Review - 4th Quarter 2023
January 17, 2024

Letter from President David M. Block Now that 2023 is officially behind us, I'd like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has played a pivotal role in Block & Company,...


photo of ABA_PR_1 Block & Company, Inc., Realtors sells unique Brookside property to Riley ABA & Autism Center in Kansas City, Missouri
January 4, 2024

Block & Company, Inc., Realtors is excited to announce the sale of 2 E. 59th Street in Kansas City, Missouri. David M. Block, Max Kosoglad, and Carson St. Clair of the firm represented...


photo of Other_Place_Opening_PR1 GRAND OPENING | The Other Place to open December 19th in Mission West Shopping Center in Mission, KS
December 14, 2023

Block & Company, Inc., Realtors is excited to announce the grand opening of The Other Place at 11:00 am on Tuesday, December 19th at Mission West Shopping Center. The Other Place,...


photo of BLOCK_Quarterly_Review_2023_Q3 Block & Company Quarterly Review - 3rd Quarter 2023
October 27, 2023

Letter from President David M. Block I'm proud to report that the Kansas City market continues to remain very active regarding sales and leasing. Our market is experiencing a strong...


photo of Restaurant_Survey_Cover Block & Company publishes results from the 2023 Greater KC Restaurant Survey, key insights into the current state of the restaurant industry found
October 16, 2023

Block & Company, Inc., Realtors is excited to announce the results of our 2nd Annual Greater Kansas City Restaurant Survey. Since the start of 2023, our restaurant team worked diligently...


photo of 152_Land_1 FOR SALE | Block & Company, Inc. lists 533 acres of Mormon-owned land to make way for multibillion dollar world-class development at major KC intersection
September 6, 2023

Block & Company, Inc., Realtors is excited to announce that 533.45 acres of prime development land is now officially for sale at the interchange of Interstate 435 and 152 Highway in...


photo of 135th_Antioch_PR_1 Block & Company, Inc., Realtors sells 12.8 acres of land on one of the last available prime corners in Overland Park, KS
August 22, 2023

Block & Company, Inc., Realtors has successfully completed the sale of 12.8 acres of vacant land located on the SWC of 135th Street and Antioch Road in Overland Park, Kansas (an affluent...


photo of BLOCK_Quarterly_Review_2023_Q2 Block & Company Quarterly Review - 2nd Quarter 2023
July 19, 2023

Letter from President David M. Block I am pleased to announce that 2023 is shaping up to be another banner year at Block & Company, Inc., Realtors. Throughout the pandemic, new construction...


photo of RVCC-2023-01 Principals of Block & Company, Inc., Realtors in Kansas City, MO award three area startups with grant money at UMKC's 2023 venture challenge
May 11, 2023

Block & Company, Inc., Realtors is proud to announce its annual sponsorship of the Regnier Venture Creation Challenge (RVCC), hosted at the University of Missouri Kansas City's Bloch...


photo of BLOCK_Quarterly_Review_2023_Q1 Block & Company Quarterly Review - 1st Quarter 2023
April 10, 2023

Letter from President David M. Block It is with deep sadness to mention the passing of Stephen J. Block who was in our industry for nearly 50 years. Stephen was my first cousin and...


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